Tuesday, April 26, 2016

hello, i'm oliveira, i live in santiago, chile.
today a waked up early, i prepare my lunch and drink a tea. i saw my schedule for see what clothes bring to wear in the trainings. finally today we dont have practise class.
i live in Estacion Central, before i live in ñuñoa for 21 years since i born first with my mother, my father and my brother, then my father left the house, then my brother.
in estacion i'm very good i lived with 3 friend, is dificult keep the order specially the living room but the coexistence is nice.
My father died on 2009, and my brother now live in Viña del Mar with her parner and their daughter, my niece, she is 4 years and she enojoy dance.
Dance for me is very importante too, i love dance becouse is my way to express things, emotions, thinking and dreams. i'm studing contemporany dance in the university, that is very tough but toastme too much experiences and skills to take dance. However is a bug contradiction, but in the next post a explain that.